Here's the algorithm:
1: gonnaSortIndex=len(array)-1
2: for i=len(array)-1;i>0 {//Note that there's no i-- here
3: correctIndex=array[gonnaSortIndex]
4: if correctIndex!=gonnaSortIndex {
5: array[correctIndex],array[gonnaSortIndex]=array[gonnaSortIndex],array[correctIndex] //swapping array[gonnaSortIndex] into its final position and place the swapped out element array[correctIndex] into array[gonnaSortIndex].
6: } else {
7: i--
8: gonnaSortIndex=i
9: }
10: }
This algorithm is clearly in-place, now let's examine what's the possible worst running time~
Although not 100% sure because I did't really prove it but I think in the worst case, the running time is 2(n-1) where n is the # of elements in array
Here's the worst case(that I came up with so far):
Assume we swap all elements into their correct positions while i remains len(array)-1 all the time, so that it will take n-1 times executing if clause on line 4. After that we spend n-1 times executing else clause on line 6 so total running time is: 2*(n-1).
If there's any mistakes, can someone please point it out cause I'm eager to know whether this actually works in all situation under the assumption above.
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